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Rescued Dog With Back-Leg Damage Recovers Quickly From Terrible Car Accident

When AnimalSTEP found this poor injured dog, they rushed her to the vet and treated her wounds. By those simple actions, a little soul was saved and given a second chance to survive. The little girl is continuing her treatment at a good shelter and waiting to reunite with her family.

After getting hit by a car, the dog’s back legs were severely injured. She was left motionless, crying plaintively on a roadside. As the poor girl was rigid with pain, the rescuer had to be very careful to move her to their hospital. According to the X-ray result, she suffered from a fractured pelvis and a hip dislocation. Immediately, the poor soul was taken to the operating room to go on an urgent surgery for her hip and legs.

Although the surgery was successful, the little girl was still in bad condition. She needed a blood transfusion and intense care. The pain tortured her so much that the vet had to give her some pain medicine. Besides, her body was covered with wounds and bruises as a result of the crash. The doctors hoped that she could heal up thanks to good medical treatment and their best care.

Just a few days after the surgery, the little soul recovered significantly. She ate and slept better because the pain had relieved. When the dog was strong enough, she was taken to a great shelter where a good foster mom cared for her. The little angel is now getting much care and love at the shelter. Her injuries are in quick recovery process. Hopefully, when the little girl fully heals up, she can walk and play happily like other dogs.

Watch the full rescue here:

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